Anxiety: A flight of fight response

Anxiety: A flight of fight response

Anxiety is defined as “’an emotion characterized by feelings of tension, worried thoughts, and physical changes like increased blood pressure’” (Adam Felman, 2020). Although anxiety is a disorder characterized by the DSM5, it is not always classified as one…

The Importance of Self Love...

The Importance of Self Love...

Have you ever told yourself, “I love you?” Do you cater to your needs and happiness? Do you appreciate yourself and make decisions that will positively support your growth and development? If so, you are experiencing self-love…

Alone in a Room Full of People: The Case of Chronic Loneliness

Alone in a Room Full of People: The Case of Chronic Loneliness

Imagine being in a room full of people, yet you still have a deep feeling of alienation. This is one example of what it feels like to experience chronic loneliness. We are living in a time where social distancing has become the norm…

Imposter Syndrome in The Workplace: Freedom in Your Truth

Imposter Syndrome in The Workplace: Freedom in Your Truth

Have you ever felt like you were the “Only One” in the room? In this moment, did you feel stereotyped and caged by your age, gender, race, color, national origin, sexual orientation, or disability? Competition and toxic achievement can lead to high levels of anxiety…

The Soul of Self LOVE

The Soul of Self LOVE

The alarm goes off at 4:00 am. Eyes slowly blink to awareness. Wide yawns welcome another day. Yet instead of the usual rising that eases me out of bed, there’s a familiar pain–a heaviness that arrests me to immobility.

Deep breaths offer no relief. Rather, they only confirm the grip of weight that aggressively shoots across my back.

Loving Self Acceptance

Loving Self Acceptance

On Sunday I danced in my sports bra, leggings and heels.

I guess I should start by saying I’m on a dance team. A ladies SALSA dance team with some BADASS Bitches!!! Let’s not forget to mention I am the oldest member of the dance team in my WELL seasoned, RIPE like a PEACH ripe, age of 43. I won’t leave out that I am the mother of 1 and a possible teenagers not for sympathy or pity because MY BODY is BEAUTIFUL…

The Processing Process

The Processing Process

I spent a number of years “collecting data” on how to live. Figuring most things out by trial and error. Making my way the best way I knew how...barely. As I started to get more deliberate about my healing journey and try new things, processes and techniques began to show up and many have proven to be effective in bringing forth clarity and optimizing healing.

In Search of MYSELF...

In Search of MYSELF...

She is a 30 (something) y/o AA female. She enjoys working out, going to concerts, live sporting events, and spending time with friends including happy hours, brunches, dinner, traveling and girls’ trips. She considers herself well rounded but doesn’t necessarily have a hobby nor is she really clear about what she does that gives her life. She likes to read but isn’t always able to make time for it…

Learning to Love Yourself Better

Learning to Love Yourself Better

I don’t think I’ve ever been in a relationship where I could exhale. Honestly both in and out of love, I think I’ve spent the better of my life holding my breath. Waiting for the next not so great thing to happen. Expecting the worst and perhaps preparing for it in my expectation of it...being human. Cultivating through every perceived rejection, disappointment and abuse the resiliency of a rubber band, the tenacity of a sponge. Especially in love...

3 Techniques to Aid in Forgiveness: Part 1

3 Techniques to Aid in Forgiveness: Part 1

I recently had the honor and privilege of visiting with my Dad and both my Maternal and Paternal Grandmothers ages 85 and 89 respectively. My Dad who is 65 years old, had been in the hospital for several days experiencing some issues with digestion, a complication we think…

Forgiveness: Ho'opono'pono

Forgiveness: Ho'opono'pono

H’opono’pono is a 4-line Hawaiian prayer that uses the forces of repentance, forgiveness, gratitude and love to bring forth healing and change.  While the order of which may not matter, the process I use states in order: I Love You, I’m Sorry, Please Forgive Me, Thank You.  I have two primary….

Forgiveness: 3 Techniques to Aid in the Forgiveness Process

Forgiveness: 3 Techniques to Aid in the Forgiveness Process

Mantra: Forgiveness is a process and a practice. Though it sounds a bit cliche. What I’ve found is that oftentimes the very things that I’ve thought I’d forgiven find their way back to me. Old wounds and outdated feelings. Unresolved pain. The shards and shrapnel from hard…