self reflection

Pursuing Social Justice Consciousness: Social Justice and Religious Literacy

Pursuing Social Justice Consciousness: Social Justice and Religious Literacy

“We are all implicated when we allow other people to be mistreated. An absence of compassion can corrupt the decency of a community, a state, a nation.” - Bryan Stevenson 
What do you think of when you hear the words “social justice?” In short, social justice is an ideology, mostly political, in which the goal is for individuals to fulfill society equally in many forms of distribution.

Fear of the Unknown: 3 Simple Steps to Confronting the Mystery of Anxiety

America has faced many unknowns in the last few years, to highlight, 2019 with Mass Shootings, and 2020 that brought political race wars, tornados, pandemic, and bombs. We are all experiencing this eerie fear of the unknown. This feeling can manifest…

The Importance of Self Love...

The Importance of Self Love...

Have you ever told yourself, “I love you?” Do you cater to your needs and happiness? Do you appreciate yourself and make decisions that will positively support your growth and development? If so, you are experiencing self-love…

The Soul of Self LOVE

The Soul of Self LOVE

The alarm goes off at 4:00 am. Eyes slowly blink to awareness. Wide yawns welcome another day. Yet instead of the usual rising that eases me out of bed, there’s a familiar pain–a heaviness that arrests me to immobility.

Deep breaths offer no relief. Rather, they only confirm the grip of weight that aggressively shoots across my back.

The Processing Process

The Processing Process

I spent a number of years “collecting data” on how to live. Figuring most things out by trial and error. Making my way the best way I knew how...barely. As I started to get more deliberate about my healing journey and try new things, processes and techniques began to show up and many have proven to be effective in bringing forth clarity and optimizing healing.