Midweek Morsel: Wired for Connection - The Science of Connection for Introverts & Extroverts

By: Jaimie Glatt

By: Jaimie Glatt

Do you believe that we are all wired to connect? Do you view connection as a true extroverted need? What if you discovered that those that are more introverted, also are wired to connect? According to Dr Amy Banks, PHD, prior instructor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and author of “Wired To Connect: The Surprising Link Between Science and Strong, Healthy Relationships”, “Introverts are not people who don’t need people. An extrovert needs connection but an introvert who also has these pathways for connection that are robust and healthy, can go out, have an interaction, and have it live within them longer than it does for other people”. For extroverts, the half-life is shorter and they need to get back out there while introverts continue to bask in this connection for an extended period of time. According to the Highly Sensitive Person Podcast, “Dr. Banks has spent her career studying the neurobiology of relationships and how social interaction shapes brains. She treats patients who suffer from “chronic disconnection” which is the result of years of focusing on individual successes and neglecting relationships.”  Right now, we are all suffering from a forced chronic disconnection from the pandemic, but no matter if we consider ourselves introverted or extroverted, we are all wired for connection.