By: Baylie Spring
Visioning, manifestation, goals, and intention setting are all things that an individual might do if they have specific aspirations in and for their life. These aspirations can be small or big but in order to achieve them there is a quite bit of thought that goes into it. This thought undergoes a process which is usually one that occurs at the beginning of each year when everyone is thinking about new year's resolutions and how they are going to be their best self for the upcoming year. In this process, there are a lot of uncertainties that individuals experience and it can be difficult to stay on track and know what your path and timeline are. That is why goal-setting and intention-setting are monumental in achieving your vision.
Visioning is the imagery of your goals, ‘manifestation’ is to see that imagery and turn it into reality (Manifestation: Definition, meaning, and how to do it, 2022). Being able to envision something for your future self can be magical and also an opportunity for growth, and also the first step. Once you are able to envision it, then manifesting it is the next step. You may hear someone say, “I manifested this and it happened.” This quote is quite often an affirmation that some experience after achieving their goals. But others may not have that same experience and that’s ok. All that matters is taking the necessary and finding what works for you. For me, I envision something, manifest it will happen through prayer and positive affirmations, and then I am strategically goal-set to ensure my vision becomes reality. SMART goals I have found to be the most effective way to create healthy attainable goals. A SMART goal is defined as a specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time frame of when the goal will be achieved (How to set achievable goals (that align with your values), 2022).
For me, the year 2023 is a big year. I will be graduating in May with a Master of Science in Social Work and applying to sit for my licensure exam in the State of Tennessee. For me, when I think of visioning and manifesting, I reflect back to my undergraduate program at the University of Alabama in Huntsville. There I envisioned I would be a therapist one day, and I saw myself in a graduate program while being able to practice my therapeutic skills in school. Today, I am doing just that. I am a therapist at NEW Counseling PLLC and in a graduate program. My vision of being a therapist and being in graduate school came to fruition but my journey doesn't end here. For the year 2023, my new year's resolution is to become a therapist newly graduated from my master’s program, and begin my life with my partner. This will be a new process for me to begin and I am ready to see what the new year brings for me.
How to set achievable goals (that align with your values). CCL. (2022, September 8). Retrieved December 16, 2022, from,necessary%20to%20accomplish%20the%20goal.
Manifestation: Definition, meaning, and how to do it. The Berkeley Well-Being Institute. (n.d.). Retrieved December 16, 2022, from