Nashville Emotional Wellness (NEW) Counseling

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In Search of MYSELF...

She is a 30 (something) y/o AA female. She enjoys working out, going to concerts, live sporting events, and spending time with friends including happy hours, brunches, dinner, traveling and girls’ trips. She considers herself well rounded but doesn’t necessarily have a hobby nor is she really clear about what she does that gives her life. She likes to read but isn’t always able to make time for it.

She has supportive relationships in general and is a people person. She has decent connections with friends both males and females, co-workers and family but hasn’t really found her tribe. Her beliefs are “nontraditional” and she sees herself as more spiritual than religious. She follows new urban spiritual teachers and gurus, philosophers, real folk with real talk, mostly where she spends a great deal of her time…on social media. Like most people her age technology is huge, and the bulk of her information comes from a combination of podcasts and online news outlets.

She is smart, a thinker, career focused, a go-getter, with emerging financial stability. She is magnetic and strong but hasn’t lived fully out of fear sometimes of being too much and others not enough. She has goals and ambitions and feels less and less like there is value in partying and kicking it. She is looking for meaningful encounters, depth in relationships, purpose, direction. She feels different than her peers she thinks and knows there is more but doesn’t know how to get there.

She has a history of unresolved "traumas" although she doesn't really call them that. Stuff from childhood, wounds from relationships. Things that have eroded her sense of self-worth, self-confidence, self-esteem all evidenced by her struggles with managing her health, managing her money, managing her relationships. She is sometimes self-conscious, anxious and sadder than she likes.

She is on the cusp of NEW life and in the midst of transition. NEW job, NEW relationship, marriage, becoming a mother, break up, loss. She struggles with consistency and balance and doesn’t have clear life sustaining habits and rituals. At times she is her own worst enemy and her negative self-talk can get out of control.

She’s beginning to recognize that more and more she is losing herself to things outside of herself. She’s beginning to recognize her responsibility in bringing forth change in her life. She beginning to see the value in therapy and healing work. She’s beginning to be ready for a change and decides to seek some support.

Her google searches include terms like self-help, life coaches, African American female therapists, self-care. She wants to be her best self, grow and develop personally, feel whole. She is ready for therapy. She is ready to discover the truth of who and what she is...